Become part of a coherent set of valuations
to strenghten the relationship with your shareholders.

Our uniquely large coverage allows for reliable continuously updated peer comparisons and benchmarking.
-A comprehensive 20 page report
-Continously updated
-Accessible on our corporate website and downloadable in PDF
-Backed by the AlphaMena methodology and proprietary data
Small/Mid Caps investors
"Pushed" Research
Online brokers, Blogs...
Define your strategic message to institutional investors

AlphaMena aims to help you and your firm define and deliver its strategic message to markets.

AlphaMena offers markets understanding as well as unique insight into sector and thematic understanding thanks to its coverage depth and its disciplined valuation tools.

Fund managers make decisions based on a message, in their language, which establishes the key points of the investment case, and the fundamental elements of the valuation. This message therefore needs to be carefully tailored.
Déterminez avec fiabilité la valeur de votre entreprise
Vous souhaitez vendre votre entreprise ou envisagez une acquisition?

Vous devez évaluer la valeur de vos actions dans le cadre d'un plan de stock-options? Obtenir un prix qui s'appuie sur une méthodologie unique et reconnue s'impose.
Risque de Crédit & Scoring
AlphaMena applique sa connaissance des PME et la rigueur de ses outils d'analyse au risque de crédit des PME
Market tested WACCs to value businesses
AlphaMena computes cost of capital metrics for 155 stocks on a daily basis.

Such metrics can be tailored to meet corporate requirements for independent, market tested WACCs to value businesses :
- As part of internal valuation reviews
- As part of IFRS obligations
- As part of acquisition processes
All WACC and ERP computations can be tailored to meet geographic, sector, market cap, market thematic constraints.

WACC and ERP services are priced to be extremely competitive and backed by daily market confrontation.
EPS enhancing? Up to what price?

Work out the immediate impact of mergers, control purchase on consolidated accounts, eps, valuation...
This fast, comprehensive simulation tool allows you to create the accounts of a new entity. Save yourselves hours of work. Save on investment banking fees.

This tool is designed to:
-Protect confidentiality*
-Collect existing data from client through mapping
-Use every non financial company tracked by AlphaMena (c.400)
-Test and generate immediate strategic conclusions

*software sits on client PC. AlphaMena database dowloaded to client PC.
Use independent, market tested valuation tools to assess minorities' rights (spin offs, demergers...)
Aside from the obligation of having an independent opinion, company directors look for the advice of unbiased experts, before making decisions.

It is part of the necessary steps prior to undertaking a transaction, with full respect for good governance practice by using an independent analysis.
Immeuble LIRA - Les Jardins du Lac - Lac II
1053 Tunis Tunisie
Call : +216 31 322 720
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Twitter : @alphamena